Saturday 16 June 2012

父亲 · 我 · 我们……

今天,Pastor Chris Kam 跟我们分享了一个短片

忽然,一只 sparrow 飞到附近的树上,父亲问:“What is that?
儿子答:“A sparrow。”
不久,父亲又问:“What is that?
儿子答:“ I just told you father. Is a Sparrow。”

再过不久,sparrow 飞到草地上。
父亲问:What is that
儿子把报子放下,答:“ A sparrow, father. A Sparrow. A S-P-A-R-R-O-W.”

父亲问:What is that?
怒曰:“What are you doing this?I told you so many times. It's a sparrow! 
Can't you get it?

父亲保持沉默, “ Where are you going? ”,起身往家里走去,
父亲带着一本书出来,翻越其中一页,要儿子握书,指着那一页, 曰:“ Loud……”

The son read, " Today my youngest son who a few days ago turned three
was sitting with me at the park. When a sparrow sat in front of us, my son asked me 21 times 
WHAT IT WAS and i answered all 21 times that is was..." 
turned to another page, " A SPARROW... 
I hugged him every single time he asked me the same question.
Again and again... Without getting mad, feeling affection for my innocent little boy. "



1 comment:

  1. this is how i left a comment XD
    Hiiii Angellllllll~~~ hahaha
